Thursday, August 12, 2021

Picking up cycling again (33-week 5-day pregnancy)

Without the company of my sis and hubby, it seems far too dangerous for me to swim alone. I mean, it isn't the swim that I'm afraid of, but stumbling while walking to the pool on the slippery ground.

So I've come up with this brilliant idea: picking up cycling again.

Knowing cycling outdoors would be risky since the wind and road conditions may vary and I'd probably push myself harder than expected for excitement or sense of satisfaction, I'll opt for indoor exercise bike.

Tired of seeing my swollen thighs and fat body. And my back pain is once again killing me. Just see if cycling will help ease the pain.

After doing some research, I found many doctors advised to keep heart rate under 145 while cycling. But everyone is different. In another word, no pregnancy guidelines are stringent.

What I have to observe is my own body reaction and stop whenever I feel uncomfortable.
So let's go for it.
See if I can lose some extra weight before labouring and get back to the cheerful me again.
Pretty tired of the recent me complaining about this and that. Life should be fun. Stay active.
Let's take it easy, break a sweat and see how it goes.

No worries. I'll keep myself and my baby safe and healthy. 

By the way, here's a music video I've found which seems pretty nice to cycle with. I love the upbeat mood it brings despite the kind of inappropriate content.


  1. In terms of your present condition, it seems indoor exercise is the best alternative for you to keep fit and relaxing. Take care.
