Monday, May 29, 2023

面試外傭問題 (Part 2: 照顧 newborn 初生嬰兒篇)


新手媽媽,想請工人姐姐湊初生BB, 面試時,應該問咩好? 點先知道,對方係咪自己想請嘅人,係咪真係幫到手? 個工人係咪真係識照顧初生BB?


1. Can you describe your approach to maintaining a clean and hygienic environment, especially for a baby?

2. Have you ever handled a situation where a baby is sick or has a fever? What did you do?

3. Can you record my baby's daily activities, such as feeding, sleep, and diaper changes, if necessary?

4. What kinds of activities or playtime will you engage in with my baby?

5. Are you comfortable with handling and administering medication if necessary? Such as feeding medicine or staying at hospital overnight with my baby 

6. How do you handle situations where my baby is fussy or inconsolable?

7. Have you ever dealt with a baby who has special needs or requires additional medical attention? If so, can you describe your experience?

8. How would you handle situations where the baby is in distress or needs urgent attention?

9. Are you comfortable with taking care of the baby at midnight occasionally?

10. Are you willing to undergo additional training or certification in infant care, if necessary?

11. Can you tell me how to make formula milk? And how do you sterilize milk bottles?

12. If my baby keeps crying loudly even after drinking milk and having enough sleep, what will you do?

13. How do you know if the baby is sick? What will you do if so?

14. What will you do if my baby is pushed by other kids and/or gets hurt at playgrounds? 

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