於是,傻貓上網搵咗d 資料,再結合自己以往喺公司請人嘅 interviewer 經驗,仲有之前妹妹家請工人時,遇到嘅情況,整合咗呢堆問題。
設定問題時,避免yes/ no questions, 要問open questions.
傻貓預先畀咗呢堆問題中介agent, 工人面試時,逐題作答。
1. You'll have your own room, but 1 year later, our family may move to another flat. Maybe you'll have to share your room with a baby/toddler. Is it fine? (有些工人好重視有冇自己獨立房間,冇就唔考慮。我唔知將來小朋友讀幼稚園,會唔會搬返出太子、九龍塘,因為物業1地段不錯,校網好好,我有機會搬返出去。到時工人姐姐就冇獨立房喇。)
2. Around once a week, when visitors come over, you may need to wash dishes for around 9 people, is it ok? (No need to cook usually) (定時嘅額外工作量,講定,等工人有心理準備)
3. Are you afraid of cats or dogs? (有些外傭會怕貓狗,又會對貓毛狗毛敏感。這些都要預先講定)
My sister's dog lives nearby and may need you to walk it sometimes. It's a medium-sized, 18-year-old dog.
There's a cat in the garden. It comes and goes as it wishes.
4. How do you interact with toddlers? If the baby is sick, what'll you do? (情境題,好重要。有些外傭,真係答 I don't know.)
5. Is there anything that you don't eat? (有些外傭原來自己唔食豬、牛,都唔會為僱主,煮豬、牛)
6. Do you have to pray at particular time? (印傭如果係虔誠回教徒,一日要祈禱好幾次)
7. What's your usual working hours with previous employer? (中東那邊,基本上係冇休息時間。新加坡那邊,工時也很長。不過,如果工人姐姐之前嘅工作,只係喺主人不在家時,照顧吓貓貓狗狗,每日工時得幾個鐘,聽到自己都驚啦。
之前另一個中介,我interview時,遇到有個工人,答呢題時,老實地答: 佢只係負責淋花。所以,佢唔識其他家務,亦不懂煮食。要煮,佢只識炸炸炸: 炸薯圈、炸魚柳。)
What's the most challenging experience working as a domestic helper ? How did you handle it?
8. Pay attention ‼️
Master has to work on Sundays and madam has to work on Sunday mornings. Is it ok to have day off on Tuesdays or Fridays? (每人嘅工作時間唔同,咁我真係唔鍾意放假同人哋迫,寧願返補習社,由朝做到黑。工人要有心理準備,星期日,可能冇得返教會。如果佢朋友大過天,或者係虔誠天主教徒,一定要返教會,咁就next 喇)
9. How long do you expect to work in Hong Kong? (呢題係睇吓佢會唔會打算做一年兩年就走,如果佢冇心長做,我都唔好阻人發達)
10. Who'll look after your kids (if any) when you are away? (如果得佢老公湊,sorry 咯。因為外傭離婚率好高,如果離婚,就要仆返去湊仔,咁就有機會提早辭職)
11. No phone when looking after babies, ok? (傻貓知道好多外傭鍾意Facetime, 同菲律賓嘅家人朋友溝通。不過,照顧BB時,稍一不慎,就會有意外。講定先好。)
12. No borrowing, ok? Once found, the contract will be terminated immediately. (太多外傭,借咗一堆街數,煩到僱主。所以先做醜人,講定唔好借錢喇。一借,就 bye bye.)
13. There may be surveillance cameras installed at different area of the home. But not in the bathroom or your bedroom. Is it ok for you? (安裝閉路電視,牽涉私隱問題。徵詢工人的同意,是必須的。)